Monday, February 23, 2009

Statement of the Chin Community of Indiana

On the Auspicious Occasion of the 61st Anniversary
Of the Chin National Day
February 21st, 2009.

As today marks the 61st anniversary of our auspicious Chin National Day, Chin Community of Indiana wishes a very happy and meaningful National Day to all Chin peoples around the world and those in Burma who are not allowed to celebrate this historic commemoration. In doing so, we ask that the Chin peoples not only celebrate, but make a meaningful reflection and take stock of what our forefathers achieved for us. The infinite promise that defines our Mother Land on this day is an undiminished source of inspiration and pride for us. Therefore, the Chin Community of Indiana humbly salutes our fallen national patriots. As the day was motivated out of national unity, simple truths of freedom, equality, and self-determination, the Chin Community of Indiana calls upon all the Chin peoples to love and preserve what our forefathers had worked hard and laid their lives down for: freedom and national solidarity.

When our forefathers set their hands together to abolish feudal administration system of the past on the 20th February in 1948, they gave our people and land a new pride and freedom. They took a tremendous leap of faith and hope in their fellow Chin peoples and set an example for the next generations. The pride that our national patriots gave us has been passed on over six decades amidst the great challenges and changes in our beloved mother land. Therefore, the Chin Community of Indiana calls upon our beloved brethren to preserve our national pride.

February 20th, 1948 is indeed one of the most important dates in the lives of the Chin peoples. However, merely knowing about our National Day this much is not enough. We also need to realize the history of February 20th in our land, and know the core meaning of our National Day and the significance it bears for our future existence as a sovereign nation. First, the Chin Community of Indiana would like to draw attention to the historical significance of February 20th along our political history:
1. The first Chin social organization called Chin National Education Upgrading Organization was formed on 20th Feb, 1918.
2. The first Chin political organization called Chin Tong Nyi Nyot Yei A Phoih (Unity for Chin Hills Organization) was formed on 20th Feb, 1928.
3. In the southern Chin Hills, Chin people expelled British government representatives from Kanpetlet by their demonstration on 20th Feb, 1938.
4. The political leaders of Chin Tong Nyi Nyot Yei A Phoih were arrested as political prisoners starting from 20th Feb, 1939.
5. Democracy foundation motion number (4),to abolish feudal administration system, was submitted on 20th Feb, 1948 during the conference of Chin Special Division held from February (19th-22nd) in Falam, which the participants unanimously agreed, and adopted democratic system to govern the Chin territories.

Therefore, all Chin peoples should realize that February 20th was not whimsically chosen as our National Day. But, it rightfully became our National Day because of the above-mentioned crucial political and social significance it bears in the history.

Realizing its significance, the Chin Community of Indiana urges our fellow chin peoples not to lose sight of this very meaningful celebration and what we owe to our vibrant forefathers and to our nation.

As we celebrate the 61st anniversary of the Chin National Day, let us strengthen our national unity and join our hands with all the democratic and peace loving people of the world in our present struggle for democracy, equality, and self-determination. On this Auspicious Day, we call for an end to inhumane atrocities being committed in Chin state and in the rest of Burma.

May God bless our peoples and our land!
Thank You.
Chin Community of Indiana.