Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Deja Vu all over again. . .

In February of 2005 I went on a mission trip to Manipur, India. Manipur is located in north east India - bordering China and Myanmar. It is one of the few places in India where it actually gets cold in the winter. I traveled there alone to start a ten week pastor's institute. Like many places in the world today, electricity was very unreliable. We were lucky to have it on for more than two hours a day. I stayed in a little cottage that had windows with bars on them, but no glass in them. I'm sure that made for a nice breeze in the summer, but it made it as cold inside as it was outside - about 32 degrees. In order to bathe I had to pour water that had been heated on the stove into a green plastic bucket. (See picture below.) I would then stand in the bucket, pour water over myself, lather, then rinse. I remember standing in that bucket one morning late in the week. It was not much above freezing in that little bathroom. I thought about the fact that I lived in a house in the U.S. that was nicer than probably 99% of the world lives in. I told God that morning that if He wanted me to bathe standing in a bucket for the rest of my life - I would do it. The opportunity never presented itself to do that again until this week. This is the ninth day of our electrical outage. I was fortunate enough to go to Tulsa for a few days this weekend. When I came back home to no electricity, the first thing I did was buy a plastic bucket.

God is good! I put the bucket in my shower at 6:30 this evening. The electricity came on at 7:30.
By the way, have I told you lately about my grand daughter - Harper. She is one precious little princess. Looks like she will be coming home at the end of the week.

By the way, have I told you that Judy is one happy grandmother! See below. For her, it just doesn't get any better than this.