Friday, January 23, 2009

United In Prayer for Reconciliation of Nagas

United In Prayer for Reconciliation

In a significant and gracious gesture that will have far-reaching impact on the Naga Reconciliation process, the ‘NSCN/GPRN’ today unconditionally released six members of the NSCN-IM in the name of Naga reconciliation. The NSCN-IM members had been under the custody of the ‘NSCN/GPRN’ for about five weeks. In this photo image, the NSCN-IM members (front row), Azheto Chopy, kilo kilonser of ‘NSCN/GPRN’ (back row), along with members of the civil society engage in a mass prayer seeking the wisdom and guidance of the Almighty in the Naga Reconciliation process. (Morung Photo)