Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Award for Mizoram CM

 AIZAWL, Dec 3 – The Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) has conferred ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ to Mizoram Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla at the North East India Congress on Church in Mission (NEICOCIM) Conference held at CBCNEI Mission Compound...
READ MORE - Award for Mizoram CM

Fake notes with Rs 1.5 lakh face value seized

Fake Indian currency notes having a face value of Rs 1.5 lakh were seized from one person who was arrested during a joint operation by BSF and police at Gumrah bordering Meghalaya in the district today.The joint team apprehended 24-year-old Nazmul Islam...
READ MORE - Fake notes with Rs 1.5 lakh face value seized

9,637 people HIV positive in Mizoram

AIZAWL, Dec 3 : At least 9,637 people in Mizoram have been found to be HIV-positive while 587 AIDS patients died in the State in the last 24 years, according to Mizoram State AIDS Control Society.MSACS officials said that 2,97,375 blood samples have...
READ MORE - 9,637 people HIV positive in Mizoram